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Portland Dancing Instruction  

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 Dancing In Portland Logo

Daytime Dance

Ballroom Instruction

Any Level OK

Teacher(s)   Joy Davina
Relevant Website
Contact Phone  503-997-4567
Contact Email  

Date(s)   Recurring
Every Wednesday
Next Event: 04/02/25
Beg-End Time   11am -Noon
Money   $10.00
Address   14355 SW Pacific Hwy Tigard Oregon

Classes are progressive through out the month
A different dance each month - Ballroom, Latin, Country, Swing or WCS
All levels welcome - most people are beyond beginning to Intermediate
Variety Practice Dance is held on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 12:30-2pm in addition to weekly classes so everyone can practice, socialize and dance.

Instructor Bio And Private Lesson Info
I am Joy Davina.

I have a degree in theater and dance from Northwestern University, was a top teacher at Arthur Murray for many years, and founded and operated my own studio for over fifteen years. I teach most of the social partnership dances and I have a passion for West Coast Swing, Salsa, Bachata, Nightclub 2 step, and fusing dance styles to compliment the music.

I seek to enjoy the journey toward excellence and to inspire others to joyfully learn while obtaining their goals.

I take lessons every week to better my own skills and to pass on new information to my students.

 I am encouraging and patient and would love to work with you! 

Private Lesson Rates: $70/hour 

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