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Sacred Circle Dance Ecstatic Dancing

?     10:30am-12:30pm     3/30/2025

picture where Portland Dancing event Sacred Circle Dance Ecstatic Dancing is happening
Age Limit
  no age limit
Next Event
  March 30 (Sunday)
  Tiffany Center 1410 SW Morrison St #600
Contact Email
  click here To email sponsor
Contact Phone
Sponsor's Website
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Easy Freeway Access ;
On Max Light Rail in the Free Rail Zone ;
Near the PGE park ;
ADA wheelchair accessible ;
Lots of free street parking; Sacred Circle Dance Community was formed in 2004 and has grown to be the largest weekly dance in Portland, Oregon. The original format was designed by Vinn Marti, the creator of Soul Motion, as an embodiment of his Dance Ministry practice. ;
We invite you to join us every Sunday for a light-filled morning of bare-foot dance, art, and sound. Everyone is welcome – any age, any ability – to dance and be part of creating our sacred dance space.
What to bring?
a water bottle (water fountain is available onsite) ;
comfortable loose fitting clothes ;
non-street dance shoes if needed ;
cash or check for entry amount ;
friends, family, and of course - yourself;
What not to bring to dance?
valuables (we have limited valuables storage available) ;
animals ;
fragrances ;
outside food (except small personal snacks) ;

please contact the event sponsor to double-check info
report a mistake or omission
*indoor pictures do not represent actual attendance numbers or actual dance style for event.

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