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PCDC 2nd Sunday Experienced English Country Dance

$10-$20 sliding scale     3:00p-5:00p     4/13/2025

Age Limit
  no age limit
  $10-$20 sliding scale
Next Event
  April 13 (Sunday)
  2nd Sundays
  A Renaissance School of Arts and Science Ballroom, 234 S Bancroft, Portland, OR 97239
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(Note: no street shoes permitted beyond the entrance of A Renaissance School)

Dance to the live music of Fine Companions (and friends). Dances will be a balance of familiar & unfamiliar material. Callers will encourage incorporating style points such as quality of movement, timing, transitions & dancing to the music.

We ask that you be comfortable dancing standard English Country Dance (ECD) figures including:
- Heys in various orientations
- Regular & Double figure 8s
- Triple minor longways
- Dancing outside of your group of 4
- Straight & draw poussette.

If not familiar, please attend the PCDC Friday Night ECD to learn these before attending the 2nd Sunday ECD for Experienced Dancers.

The 2nd Sunday English Dance for Experienced Dancers is a mask optional event. We no longer require proof of vaccination, but encourage everyone to be vaccinated.

Learn more about ECD: here

This event was last updated on: 11/27/2023
Please doublecheck the sponsor's website or contact by phone/email if this date is very old.

please contact the event sponsor to double-check info
report a mistake or omission
*indoor pictures do not represent actual attendance numbers or actual dance style for event.

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