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Norske Runddansere Monday Nordic Dancing :: Except Holidays

$10, free for members     7:00pm-9:15pm     3/31/2025

Age Limit
  no age limit
  $10, free for members
Next Event
  see red note
  Nordia House, 8800 SW Oleson Rd, Portland OR 97223
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Nordic/Scandinavian dancing, almost every Monday night at Nordia House, mostly with live music. No dancing on Memorial Day, Labor Day, and other legal holidays. During the school year (Sept - May) we start with a one hour teaching session, then open request dancing until closing. During the summer we have open request dancing the whole time. Please wear soft soled shoes to protect our dance floor.

This event was last updated on: 8/20/2023
Please doublecheck the sponsor's website or contact by phone/email if this date is very old.

please contact the event sponsor to double-check info
report a mistake or omission
*indoor pictures do not represent actual attendance numbers or actual dance style for event.

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