On Sunday at Kyklos international dancing, a couple was visiting from
Hawaii, and said they found us via portlanddancing.com. They were
impressed by it and very appreciative! It was nice having them visit,
so we're appreciative too!
I told them I would pass their thanks along to you.
I don't believe that I thanked you for your
magnificent web site.
You are doing more for the area's culture, health
and positive social interaction than Arlene Schnitzer.
--Ron Carl
It's my bible.
--Paul Cerros
I can't thank you enough for your development and maintenance of
this dancing site.....without this site I never would have had the life
I have come to live. Just like I came to dancing via this site, I share
the link with anyone who has the smallest inkling that they would
like to learn how to dance.
--Patti Lind